Renaissance Armies in 6mm

Readers of this blog will recall that recently a section was added which provided suggestions on forming 6mm armies using the extensive Heroics & Ros range of miniatures where specific armies are not defined.

While Heroics & Ros already have ranges for the Renaissance and English Civil War using them to represent other armies of the period is not always straight forward. In this week’s update I provide a short guide to building several other armies for Renaissance period which include using figures from several ranges. Specifically we consider building Ottoman, French and Spanish of the Italian Wars, Knights of St John as well as the Swedish and Imperialists of the Thirty Years’ War.

Battle of Lützen 1632 by Matthäus Merian.

As noted previously this is a collaborative project between myself and Jean-Marc Largeaud who invested considerable effort in documenting the various miniatures he has used. This resource was originally available through his website “Vendheaume Fighters” which is currently off-line.

The article on building Renaissance Armies in 6mm can be found here. For those wishing to look at the full range of articles in the growing series they can be found here.

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